CoreLife Challenge: Meggan Camp’s Results

21 days.

Anything is possible to do for 21 days. 

And I did it. No dairy, no alcohol, very little sugar. Everything is better:

    • I’m sleeping so much better.
    • I feel energized and capable.
    • No more brain fog!
    • Lowered stress levels.

I’m able to create again.

I feel like a better mom, a better daughter, a better friend, a better employee. Most importantly, I’m taking care of myself, first. I see how well I operate when I’m nourished in my mind, body, and soul. I’m practicing yoga more, working out more and meditating more.

As a result, I’m more productive, more efficient and operating on all cylinders. All of those things make for a major victory! The icing on the cake is that I’ve lost eight pounds. While that’s great, I’m still more happy with everything I’ve gained from the CoreLife Challenge!